Nellie McKay—Exclusive Interview
Nellie McKay talks to PETA about the horrible things Columbia does in its animal tests and what you can do to help. Learn more.
PETA wants Post Malone—who just announced his partnership with Oreo—to help us make nutritional research “better NOW”! Here’s what we said in a letter to the rapper.
PETA has laid the groundwork for the new U.S. administration to transition to animal-free science that will save billions and promote human health. Support Research Modernization NOW!
PETA’s work to combat the deadly monkey-importation trade paid off in spades in 2024, with fewer animals shipped into the U.S. for use in deadly experiments.
At President Trump’s inauguration events, PETA’s giant “mouse” is exposing the REAL swamp: a bloated government agency that wastes billions of taxpayer dollars on cruel, useless experiments on animals.