Empowering Education: How TeachKind Supports Teachers and Schools
Empowering Education: How TeachKind Supports Teachers and Schools

TeachKind’s team of former classroom teachers and experts can help you “feed two birds with one scone,” simultaneously fostering compassion for animals (which also cultivates social and emotional learning) and helping students develop academic skills. WHAT CAN TEACHKIND DO FOR YOU? Donations, Free Events, Free Teaching Resources FREE Books We donate books to schools and … Read more »

Education Conference Wrap-Up: PETA’s TeachKind Shines This Fall With Empathy Lessons
Education Conference Wrap-Up: PETA’s TeachKind Shines This Fall With Empathy Lessons

What does an education conference for science teachers have to do with animal liberation? Let TeachKind, PETA’s humane education division, school you on the subject.

Professional Development: TeachKind’s Teacher Training Workshop
Professional Development: TeachKind’s Teacher Training Workshop

Got questions about humane education? TeachKind has answers. Our experienced staff will deliver a free workshop to you and your colleagues about teaching kindness to animals.

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