Humane Fieldtrips & Fundraisers
Humane Fieldtrips & Fundraisers

Find out which activities to avoid, what to do instead, and how to ensure that your school stays cruelty-free.

Bitten, Mauled, and Clawed: Why Roadside Zoo Field Trips Are Dangerous For Your Students
Bitten, Mauled, and Clawed: Why Roadside Zoo Field Trips Are Dangerous For Your Students

Teachers: Field trips to roadside zoos can be deadly for your students.

Get Inspired to Save Animals With this Fun Outdoor Activity!
Get Inspired to Save Animals With this Fun Outdoor Activity!

Teach students to act responsibly for the planet and all animals.

Want to Teach Students Outside the Classroom? Plan a Socially Distant Field Trip With TeachKind!
Want to Teach Students Outside the Classroom? Plan a Socially Distant Field Trip With TeachKind!

Students can learn about the world around them safely and humanely on a socially distant field trip.

Cruel Fundraisers That Send Mixed Messages to Students
Cruel Fundraisers That Send Mixed Messages to Students

When thinking about fundraising for the upcoming school year, keep these humane fundraisers in mind.

Don’t Be Fooled by These ‘Humane Education’ Frauds
Don’t Be Fooled by These ‘Humane Education’ Frauds

Humane education teaches students to value the lives of ALL animals—not just those commonly deemed worthy by society. But these frauds mislead teachers and their students.

Panicked Camel Injures 6 Children: More Proof Students Shouldn’t Go to Circuses
Panicked Camel Injures 6 Children: More Proof Students Shouldn’t Go to Circuses

A child purportedly threw a shovel at the camel, causing him to panic. This dangerous incident could’ve been prevented had no animals been used in the first place.

People Are Shunning Animal Attractions at Fairs—This Is Why
People Are Shunning Animal Attractions at Fairs—This Is Why

Pony rides, 4-H programs, pig races, exotic-animal shows, rodeos, and more—find out just how violent, dangerous, and abusive these fair “attractions” are.

NYC Kids Walk for Elephants
NYC Kids Walk for Elephants

Compassionate students are being recognized for “adopting” an elephant at a Tennessee sanctuary and raising funds for her care.

Teacher Activism: Spread the Word About Animal-Friendly School Activities
Teacher Activism: Spread the Word About Animal-Friendly School Activities

Help show fellow teachers how to ensure that their field trips and fundraisers promote kindness to animals.

Virtual Field Trips: The Future Is Here
Virtual Field Trips: The Future Is Here

No more sending home permission slips or collecting ticket money—observe and learn about wild animals in their natural habitats, without leaving the classroom!

Why You Shouldn’t Take Your Students to a Touch Tank Exhibit
Why You Shouldn’t Take Your Students to a Touch Tank Exhibit

Aquatic animals aren’t playthings.

6 Ways Your Class Can Help Homeless Animals
Animal Companions
6 Ways Your Class Can Help Homeless Animals

Learning how more than 6 million animals end up in shelters across the country every year can lead students to make lifesaving decisions.

This Robotic Elephant Is Helping Students Say NO to Circuses
This Robotic Elephant Is Helping Students Say NO to Circuses

Thousands of elementary school students across the country have already heard Ellie the mechanical elephant’s empowering message!

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