Chew on This: Reasons to Go Vegan (Video)
This lesson plan is designed to help teachers present animal rights issues to their students. If you’re an educator, please feel free to adapt this material to fit your needs, and contact us if you need help incorporating this activity into your curriculum!
Suggested grade levels: 9th–12th grade
Objectives: Consider the environmental, ethical, and health problems associated with eating meat.
“Chew on This” is an edgy, fast-paced, five-minute video that explores some of many environmental, ethical, and health-related reasons why people choose to go vegan. Your students will discover how eating meat can destroy the environment, contribute to immense animal suffering, and negatively affect one’s health.
WARNING: This video depicts some graphic footage of animals in slaughterhouses, so we recommend that educators review the video before showing it to students.
This video is a great one to show during a lesson on nutrition or environmental science. Social science, ethics, or English teachers can use it to introduce a discussion, writing assignment, debate, or presentation on related issues.