Encourage Compassion in Your Students With NEW TeachKind Stickers

Kids go bananas for stickers. Kids also naturally feel compassion for animals and have an acute interest in their well-being. Don’t believe us? Tell your students that animals, both big and small, all across the globe need their help. Now that you have their attention, explain that they can make the world a safer, happier place for all living beings, simply by practicing empathy. Here’s where our eye-catching new kindness reward stickers come into play:

To encourage kindness toward animals—and other people—in your students, use TeachKind’s stickers to reward compassionate behavior. When you notice one of your students considering the feelings of another, take a moment to draw attention to them and their empathetic actions and then present the student with a sticker. All of the following are excellent ways for students to earn a kindness sticker:

⭐A student uses personal pronouns to refer to his animal companion, whom he and his family house indoors. Suggested sticker: Kindness Rocks!

⭐A student chooses not to kill an insect who’s made their way into your classroom but instead alerts an adult so the uninvited guest can be safely removed. Suggested sticker: Friend to All, Big and Small

⭐A student tells you that over the weekend, she and her mother called wildlife rescue officials after spotting a squirrel stuck in a chain-link fence. The student and her mother watched the squirrel from a safe distance until help arrived. Suggested sticker: Hero for Animals

⭐Upon learning about classroom dissections, a student pledges never to participate in one and expresses interest in learning about animals online. Suggested sticker: I Helped an Animal Today!

⭐After reading A Cow’s Life, a student decides to go vegan and convinces his family to do so also. Suggested sticker: Compassion for Everyone

The best part about these stickers is when others see your students sporting them, they’re bound to ask about the story behind them, at which point your students can proudly share how they earned their reward.

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