Some Recent NIH-Funded Experiments on Animals Conducted in Foreign Laboratories

The Cease Animal Research Grants Overseas (CARGO) Act (HR 1085) would save millions of taxpayer dollars and spare countless animals suffering and death in worthless experiments conducted in foreign laboratories. These are details about just a few experiments at overseas institutions recently funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

The CARGO Act is commonsense legislation. Urge your U.S. representative to support it now!

  • In Canada, experimenters injected the prion that causes chronic wasting disease into the brains of female, transgenic mice and bank voles. “At terminal stage of disease, clinical mice and bank voles were exhibiting rigid tail, rough coat, gait abnormalities, ataxia, kyphosis, and cycles of weight loss and gain.”
  • In South Africa, experimenters destroy mice’s immune system and infect the animals with a parasite that causes malaria.
  • In Sweden, experimenters inject substances into mice’s brains to induce inflammation, expose the animals to noise, and kill them.
  • In Nigeria, experimenters give rats high-fat, high-carbohydrate, and high-protein diets, killed the animals, and removed their bladders.
  • In Kenya, experimenters infect hamsters with a parasite that causes the devastating disease schistosomiasis, whose symptoms include fever, chills, and muscle aches.
  • In Canada, experimenters injected brain or spinal cord tissue from a deer who died of chronic wasting disease (CWD) into the brains of female mice. Then, experimenters infected voles with feces and brain tissue obtained from the infected mice. Experimenters left the mice and voles to reach the “terminal stage of disease,” in which they experienced involuntary muscle twitching or jerking, “rigid tail, rough coat, gait abnormalities, ataxia [loss of muscle control], kyphosis [hunched back], and cycles of weight loss and gain.” Two of the mice were found dead. According to the grant submitted by the experimenters to NIH, they’re planning to infect monkeys, too.
  • In France, experimenters cut open the skulls of mice, injected them with a virus, and implanted an optical cord in their brains. “From a total of 108, 43 mice were excluded from analysis due to incorrect virus injection or cannula placement.” Experimenters then subjected the mice to “behavioral testing” that included being suspended by their tails for six minutes. Then, the experimenters exposed the mice to light for three minutes and killed them. 
  • In France, experimenters caused the pupils of mice and monkeys to become dilated and forced the animals to keep their eyes open while injecting a “viral vector solution” into their eyes “to create a bleb.” Other mice and monkeys’ pupils were also dilated, and they were forced to keep their eyes open for hours while being directly exposed to light. Experimenters also cut open the eyes of rats and monkeys, detached their retinas, and implanted a patch in their eyes. Rats used to test a patch material experienced “massive physical damage and inflammation in the surgery location and surrounding areas.” Finally, the experimenters removed all the animals’ eyes.
  • In South Africa, experimenters infect monkeys with simian immunodeficiency virus—an illness in monkeys that’s not the same as HIV.
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