Leather Working Group Facebook Takeover

Leather working group Facebook takeover: Every piece of clothing that comes from animals is a product of extreme violence, cruelty, and fear. Leather is no different

Leather working group Facebook takeover: Producing leather requires an ENORMOUS amount of energy, dangerous chemicals, and bloody slaughtering of animals-- the leather industry is a dirty business #RejectLeather

Leather working group Facebook takeover: Cows are forcibly dragged off ships with cranes in the leather industry

Leather working group Facebook takeover: Cow leather is nearly TEN times worse for the environment than plant-based #vegan leather

Leather working group Facebook takeover: Leather: DESTROYS Land Earth Animals Trees Habitat Ecosystems Rainforests

Leather working group Facebook takeover: Turning skin into leather requires massive amounts of energy and dangerous chemicals, including formaldehyde, coal-tar derivatives, and various oils, dyes, and finishes, some of them cyanide-based

Leather working group Facebook takeover: I'll never wear leather ever since I realized how unethical the production of it is. We're torturing and killing cows just for a handbag or a pair of shoes (when there are so many animal-free materials available)? That's ridiculous. I mean, seriously, do animals' lives mean nothing at all?

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