Everyone Has A Mom

Print ad featuring a cow and a greyed-out calf at her side. The text at the top reads "After separation a mother cow will walk miles calling for her missing calf." and the bottom text reads "everyone has a mom. Mother
Print ad featuring a photo of a chimpanzee and her child. The text reads "chimpanzees isolate in grief when they lose a family member" and the bottom text reads "everyone has a mom"
Print ad featuring a photo of an elephant with her calf, who has been greyed-out. The top text reads "when a mother elephant
Billboard showing a photo of a mother humpback whale and her calf taken from a birds-eye view. The text at the top reads "young whales remain close to their mothers for years after they have learned to care for themselves" and the bottom text reads "everyone has a mom."
A card with a line art illustration of a polar bear and her cub. The top text reads "mother polar bears carry their young on their backs through dense snowfall to teach them how to survive" with bottom text reading "everyone has a mom"
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