Will Seattle Ring in 2018 With Silent Fireworks?
PETA Urges ‘New Year’s at the Needle’ to Swap Upsetting Ear-Splitting Fireworks for Dazzling Noiseless Display
For Immediate Release:
September 7, 2017
Brooke Rossi 202-483-7382
Seattle is consistently ranked among the top New Year’s Eve destinations in the country—and PETA is asking the city to close out 2017 with a silent bang. In a letter sent this morning to the organizers of the T-Mobile New Year’s at the Needle event, PETA asks that the Space Needle use only silent fireworks, light- and video-based shows, holographic laser mapping, or other high-tech, color-rich displays.
In its letter, PETA points out that animal shelters see a spike in the number of lost dogs following loud fireworks displays and the noise can also scare wildlife onto roads, where they’re likely to be injured or killed by vehicles. And the stress caused by these fireworks isn’t limited to animals: Veterans and others suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder can find the noise of the explosives disturbing.
“Rich in color and choreography, silent fireworks deliver all the flash without the fright,” PETA Vice President Tracy Reiman says. “PETA is urging Seattle to start 2018 with a stunning silent display that appeals to everyone, including the Emerald City’s more vulnerable residents.”
PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to abuse in any way”—recently prompted Costa Mesa, California, to join the several European cities that have already implemented policies on using only silent fireworks in their celebrations.
For more information, please visit PETA.org.
PETA’s letter to Ron Sevart, president and CEO of Space Needle, LLC, follows.
September 7, 2017
Ron Sevart
President and CEO
Space Needle, LLC
Dear Mr. Sevart,
I am writing on behalf of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and our more than 6.5 million members and supporters worldwide, including thousands across Washington, with a proposal that I hope will spark your interest: Use only silent fireworks at the annual New Year’s event at the Space Needle in order to create a stress-free environment for Seattle’s humans and animals, or opt instead for holographic laser imaging or video-based shows.
Silent fireworks and laser shows offer a stress-free celebration for noise-sensitive animals, children, veterans, and elderly people. During traditional fireworks displays, dogs frantically panic as they try to escape from the loud noise and have been known to jump through glass windows or over fences and end up lost, seriously hurt, or being killed. Loud fireworks displays can also scare wildlife onto roads, where they risk being hit or killed in traffic. The stress caused by these displays is not limited to animals: Veterans and others suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder are sensitive to and can be deeply disturbed by the noise of the explosives.
Silent fireworks are richer in color effects and visual choreography than conventional fireworks and provide all the fanfare and celebration without any of the frightening noise. This New Year’s, you might also consider exploring cutting-edge laser- and video-based shows, drones, and holographic laser mapping. When paired with programmed music, these forms of visual artistry are just as exciting as traditional fireworks and are safer and produce virtually no pollution. In fact, accomplished VJ Vello Virkhaus was quoted in the LA Weekly as saying, “Some type of dimensional, spatial lighting, a laser- and video-based show, could be just as immersive as fireworks and not as destructive—while producing less waste. …We don’t need to blow things up to celebrate.”
Exclusively silent fireworks displays have been implemented in several cities in Europe and, most recently, in Costa Mesa, California, at the behest of PETA. By allowing only silent fireworks or laser- and video-based shows, you’d deliver all the traditional New Year’s revelry without the frightening noise, while improving the quality of life for all living beings around Seattle. We look forward to hearing from you. Please contact me at 323-210-2222 or [email protected]. Thank you for your consideration.
Tracy Reiman
Executive Vice President