Video: Teenager Disrupts Canada Goose Party Over Cruelty to Geese

Action Comes After PETA Exposé Showing Birds Crushed, Suffocated at Toronto-Based Retailer’s Down Supplier

For Immediate Release:
November 10, 2017

Brooke Rossi 202-483-7382


As shoppers milled around Saks Fifth Avenue for the Toronto-based Canada Goose’s 60th anniversary event in New York City, a teenage PETA supporter disrupted the party, yelling, “Canada Goose kills. Shame on Canada Goose!” She and her mother, who joined in the protest, were threatened with arrest and forcibly removed from the event. Video footage is available here.

Throughout her protest, 16-year-old Rose McCoy displayed her sign proclaiming, “Geese Crushed & Suffocated at Canada Goose Supplier”—a reference to a new PETA video exposé showing that workers at the retailer’s down supplier rounded up terrified geese who piled on top of one another in an attempt to escape. At least one bird was apparently crushed to death, and others suffocated. Workers then grabbed and carried birds by the neck and shoved them into cramped cages for a journey to the slaughterhouse, where they were shackled and hung upside down and their throats were slit.

“All kind people should be horrified at the thought of geese being trampled, suffocated, and slaughtered for a fur-and-feather coat,” says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. “PETA is calling on shoppers to listen to this teenager’s passionate plea and refuse to buy anything from Canada Goose.”

PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to wear”—notes that Canada Goose’s coats are also trimmed with fur from coyotes who can suffer in traps for days before they’re shot or bludgeoned to death.

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