VIDEO: Tails Wag When Dogs Reunite One Year After Their Rescue

When Buddy and Shelby were puppies, they faced a mountain of odds—and a mountain of trash heaped inside the chain-link pen where they were kept. They were filthy, weighed a fraction of what they should, and suffered from heartworm disease—but PETA paid for their veterinary care and took them to a high-traffic animal shelter, where they soon found adoptive families … in separate homes. Thankfully, PETA kept in touch with Buddy’s and Shelby’s families and was able to arrange a reunion—and as this video shows, when the siblings reunited, it was love at second sight!

rescue dog reunite 2

Now, the brother and sister are surrounded by loving and caring families and enjoy plenty of playdates with each other in the park—a world away from the muddy, lonely world they once knew.

PETA’s motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to abuse in any way,” and more information about our work to help dogs and cats is available here. Further information about Buddy and Shelby can be found on PETA’s blog, and I’d be happy to answer any questions that you might have. Many thanks.

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