Video: 78-Year-Old Gets the Surprise of a Lifetime With Beloved Cat’s Miracle Recovery

For Immediate Release:
November 4, 2015

Moira Colley 202-483-7382

PETA has launched a new video (available here) showing the tearful reunion between 78-year-old Geraldine Snapp and her beloved cat, Beau, whom she never expected to see alive again.

Geraldine was devastated when Beau, a normally voracious eater, refused to eat for several days and was exhibiting obvious signs of distress. As she was unable to travel or afford veterinary care, PETA came to the rescue and took him to one of its mobile veterinary clinics, where he was treated and given fluids, pain medication, and antibiotics—all free of charge. But Beau’s future still looked bleak, as he didn’t show any signs of improvement. Geraldine was faced with making the heartbreaking decision to spare him seemingly inevitable pain and suffering, and she said goodbye to him for what she thought would be the last time.

Kat, a PETA fieldworker, drove Beau back to the Sam Simon Center—PETA’s headquarters—where, as a last ditch effort, she offered him a treat. And he ate it! But she knew that he wasn’t out of the woods quite yet and that he needed additional treatment and close monitoring. She gave him another appetite stimulant and spent the night with him on the floor, watching him closely to make sure that he kept nibbling at and showing an interest in food. After another 24 hours of TLC and close oversight, Kat surprised Geraldine with a special delivery. She was so shocked and relieved to learn about Beau’s miraculous recovery that she burst into tears. “I can’t believe it!” she said over and over again. “I can’t believe it!” Now, Beau is happy and healthy, and Geraldine couldn’t be more relieved to have him back with his “mama.”

More information about Beau’s story is available on PETA’s blog.

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