Urgent: Dogs May Die During Heat Wave—Vital Tips From PETA

For Immediate Release:
June 6, 2024

Rachel Hershkovitz 202-483-7382

Norfolk, Va.

As temperatures soar across the West Coast, animals can quickly succumb to heatstroke if left outdoors or in a parked car. Last year, 163 dogs and cats reportedly died from heat-related causes. (The actual figure is likely far higher, as most deaths go unreported.)

PETA urges people to be on the lookout for animals who are in need of assistance, including those who may be experiencing heatstroke symptoms, and advises everyone to do the following:

  • Take notice when a dog exhibits an extended, curled-up tongue and heavy panting, as dogs can’t sweat as humans do and heat builds up inside their bodies.
  • Touch the pavement before walks to ensure that it won’t burn dogs’ foot pads. In hot weather, walk only in the shade or on earth or grass.
  • Never leave animals outdoors in extreme heat or inside vehicles at any time.

Anyone who leaves animals outside to suffer in severe weather may be prosecuted for cruelty.

For more information, please visit PETA.org or follow the group on X, Facebook, or Instagram.

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