Tufts University Lab Amputates Frogs’ Legs: PETA Statement

For Immediate Release:
January 28, 2022

Tasgola Bruner 202-483-7382

Medford, Mass.

Please see PETA Vice President Shalin Gala’s statement regarding an experiment at Tufts University involving amputating frogs’ legs to see whether they could be regrown:

Hacking off the legs of sensitive and complex frogs in a laboratory, as experimenters at Tufts University are doing, is just torture. In addition, frog anatomy and physiology are drastically different from those of humans. Studies show that a staggering 90% of basic research—most of which involves animals, like the type of experiments conducted at Tufts—fails to lead to treatments for humans. For millions of people living with the loss of a limb to have actual hope for treatments, experimenters should amputate their plans to expand these tests to mammals and instead focus on superior, human-relevant technology, as detailed in PETA’s Research Modernization Deal.

For more information on PETA’s investigative newsgathering and reporting, please visit PETA.org or follow the group on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.

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