Support for Subway Comes From an Unexpected Admirer

Cheeky PETA Cow Urges People to Eat the Vegan Way at Subway

For Immediate Release:
March 11, 2019

Audrey Shircliff 202-483-7382

Columbus, Ohio

Starting this week, patrons of a Subway restaurant just outside Columbus will be under the watchful eye of a straight-talking PETA cow who asks them, “Would It Kill You to Have a Veggie Sub?” The message comes as fast-food chains across the country are rolling out animal-free menu options to satisfy the public’s skyrocketing demand for vegan fare.

The billboard is located at 1041 Norton Rd. in Galloway.

“Cows are gentle, sensitive individuals who value their own lives and don’t deserve to be slaughtered for the Subway sandwich bar,” says PETA Director Danielle Katz. “PETA’s billboard will plant the idea in diners’ minds that choosing a vibrant Veggie Delite over a meaty hoagie may seem like a small act, but it means life or death for animals.”

PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to eat”—opposes speciesism, which is a supremacist worldview. Each person who goes vegan spares nearly 200 animals a year daily suffering and a terrifying, bloody death. In today’s meat industry, cows are kept in massive, crowded feedlots for fattening and then shipped without food or water in all weather extremes to the slaughterhouse. There, workers shoot them in the head with a captive-bolt gun, hang them up by one leg, and cut their throat—often while they’re still conscious and able to feel pain.

In addition to saving animals, vegans are less prone to suffering from heart disease, obesity, cancer, and diabetes than meat-eaters are—and they have a smaller carbon footprint, as animal agriculture is a leading producer of the greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change.

PETA has also placed pro-vegan ads near Taco Bell locations in Nashville, Tennessee, and Phoenix and near a McDonald’s in Memphis, Tennessee. The group offers a free vegan starter kit (available here) full of recipes, tips, and more as well as a guide to eating vegan at Subway. For more information, please visit

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