Protesting ‘Snowchicken’ to Be Built Outside Local KFC

PETA Members Will Call On Passersby to Skip the Wings This Super Bowl

For Immediate Release:
January 27, 2015

Sophia Charchuk 202-483-7382

BostonAs temperatures drop to bone-chilling lows, PETA members will brave the elements Wednesday afternoon to build a chicken sculpture on KFC’s doorstep—from piles of winter storm snow. Armed with a sign proclaiming, “sNOw More Cruelty to Chickens,” the protesting “snowchicken” will greet passersby with the reminder that more than 300 million chickens will be killed just for Sunday’s big game.

 When:    Wednesday, January 28, 12:30 p.m.

Where:   KFC, 30 N. Beacon St., Allston

“On Super Bowl Sunday, enough chicken wings will be eaten to circle the Grand Canyon 120 times—yet every chicken is a thinking, feeling being, and it’s not sporting to snuff them out for a snack,” says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. “As Bostonians venture out into the snow, PETA is calling on kind people to keep chickens in their thoughts—and off their plates—on game day and every day.”

As documented by PETA, whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to eat,” KFC suppliers have been caught kicking, mutilating, and stomping on birds in their care. Chickens killed for KFC are slammed into shackles and suspended upside down by their feet from conveyor belts—a procedure that often results in broken bones. Birds are still conscious when their throats are cut, and many are then scalded to death in defeathering tanks.

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