Cooking Demo and Delicious Vegan Food Samples at ‘Holiday Food 101’
For Immediate Release:
November 12, 2015
Moira Colley 202-483-7382
As the demand for tasty vegan holiday fare is higher than ever, PETA is throwing an all-ages, family-friendly event that will help everyone fill their holiday tables: Holiday Food 101. Guests can enjoy a vegan cooking demonstration and delicious food samples—including vegan roasts, soy nog cheesecakes, and more—while younger kids can stay busy with fun holiday-themed arts and crafts.
Where: PETA’s Bob Barker Building, 2154 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles
When: Saturday, November 14, 1–3 p.m.
“More people than ever are protecting their health and animals by going vegan, so odds are good that nearly every holiday gathering will include at least one guest who would prefer a Tofurky roast over a dead bird,” says PETA Senior Director Marta Holmberg. “PETA’s Holiday Food 101 event will show everyone how easy and delicious it can be to dish up a healthy, humane vegan holiday meal.”
PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to eat”—notes that interest in plant-based holiday meals this year is likely to be especially high in light of the World Health Organization’s recent report that bacon, ham, and other processed meats increase a person’s risk of developing cancer and are about as unhealthy as smoking. And of course, everyone who goes vegan spares more than 100 animals a year daily suffering and a terrifying death in today’s industrialized meat, egg, and dairy industries.
Entry into the event requires a can or box of nonperishable vegan food, which PETA will donate to a local shelter for homeless youth.
For more information, please visit