PETA Statement re: Mayor Bill de Blasio’s amended horse-drawn carriage bill

For Immediate Release:
January 20, 2016

Sophia Charchuk 202-483-7382

The following is PETA’s statement on the amended horse-drawn carriage bill:

PETA would love to see the horses retired, but Mayor de Blasio is right that keeping them out of traffic and in the park, living in stalls in which they could actually stretch their legs, would be a vast improvement. The worst cruelty that the horses endure includes the hectic traffic that spooks them and puts them at risk for accidents and the cramped stalls that don’t allow them to stretch out after a grueling day’s work. The amended bill isn’t perfect, but it would improve the horses’ daily lives immensely.

— Dan Mathews, Senior Vice President, PETA

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