PETA Statement: Elephant Abusers Reportedly Charged With Cruelty

For Immediate Release:
December 16, 2017

David Perle 202-483-7382

Moulton, Ala.

Below, please find a statement from PETA Foundation Director of Animal Law Jared Goodman in response to reports that elephant exhibitors Hugo and Franciszka Liebel have been charged with cruelty to animals in relation to Nosey the elephant:

Cruelty charges are well-deserved for the notorious animal abusers who left Nosey tightly chained, confined in her own waste, and without proper shelter—the very neglect that she’s endured in their custody for years, before she was finally confiscated last month by Alabama officials. Local authorities were correct to stand up to cruelty and seize Nosey, whose fate is still to be determined by the court. PETA will continue to fight for her until she’s permanently retired to a spacious sanctuary home.

PETA’s motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to use for entertainment,” and more information about the Liebel Family Circus is available here.

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