PETA ‘Pig’ to Picket HoneyBaked Ham With ‘Go Vegan’ Easter Message
‘For Christ’s Sake, Go Vegan,’ Says Group
For Immediate Release:
April 15, 2014
Sophia Charchuk 202-483-7382
A costumed “sad pig” from PETA will hit HoneyBaked Ham in Cincinnati during lunchtime on Wednesday to promote merciful meals for Easter. Other PETA members will distribute copies of the group’s video exposé of the meat industry, which reveals how factory farms are hell on Earth for animals.
When: Wednesday, April 16, noon
Where: HoneyBaked Ham, 12162 Mason Montgomery Rd., Cincinnati
“Jesus would be appalled by the suffering inflicted on the pigs, chickens, cows, and other animals on today’s factory farms,” says PETA campaigner Matt Bruce. “PETA encourages Christians and non-Christians alike to show mercy for all creatures by choosing vegan meals—for Easter Sunday and beyond.”
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