Pamela Anderson Serves Lunch to Phoenix Inmates to Promote Nation’s First All-Vegetarian Jail

PETA Will Cite Landmark Policy in Call for Jails Nationwide to Drop Meat

For Immediate Release:
April 14, 2015

Moira Colley 202-483-7382

Phoenix, Ariz.

Pamela Anderson is going to jail—not to serve time but to serve lunch. The PETA honorary director will join Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio in helping inmates prepare and serve lunch in the country’s first all-vegetarian jail. Anderson and PETA Senior Vice President Dan Mathews will cite Phoenix as a model as they urge jail and prison administrators across the country to drop meat in exchange for healthy, cost-effective meals that save money and teach inmates empathy.

Where:          Maricopa County Jail, Food Services, 3150 W. Lower Buckeye Rd., Phoenix

When:           Wednesday, April 15, 10:30 a.m.

“I believe people can be rehabilitated from the inside out,” says Anderson, a long-time vegan. “Jails are full of people wanting to change, and learning healthier daily habits and embracing compassion are a great way to do that.”

Eliminating meat from jails saves Maricopa County taxpayers over $200,000 each year, vastly reduces refrigeration costs, and results in healthier meals that don’t spoil as quickly as those made from animal products. Last week, the federal panel charged with making official dietary suggestions recommended a vegan diet for the first time. Sheriff Arpaio, whose jail holds 8,300 inmates, says, “When other jails and prisons see how dropping meat boosts the health of inmates while saving taxpayers money, I think they’ll consider adopting the policy.”

PETA has helped “veganize” menus at universities, corporations, and sports arenas and, using Maricopa County as a model, will formally approach other jails and prisons across the country.

For more information, please visit

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