Pam Anderson Visits Sealers’ HQ With Hollywood Mogul and $1 Million Offer

Simpsons Producer Sam Simon Will Join Anderson Bearing Giant Cheque That Sealers Can Cash if They Achieve Government Buyout of Dwindling Commercial Seal Slaughter

For Immediate Release:
December 17, 2013

David Perle 202-483-7382

St. John’s, N.L.

He’s terminally ill, but that hasn’t stopped a maverick Hollywood philanthropist from flying to icy St. John’s to make an offer he hopes sealers can’t refuse. Producer Sam Simon and PETA Honorary Director Pamela Anderson will make a surprise visit to the Canadian Sealers Association on Tuesday to offer $1 million to the group if it facilitates and achieves a long-buzzed-about government buyout of the failing international seal trade.

When:   Tuesday, December 17, 1 p.m.

Where:  Canadian Sealers Association, 368 Hamilton Ave., St. John’s

Simon’s offer comes on the heels of the World Trade Organization’s decision last month to uphold the EU’s ban on seal-fur imports.

“Unlike recent government seal bailouts benefiting a foreign-owned fur processor, this money would go directly to Canadian sealers,” Simon writes in a letter that he’ll deliver, alongside Anderson, to Canadian Sealers Association President Eldred Woodford.

“With bans firmly in place across Europe, Russia, the U.S., and other countries, the writing is on the wall: The seal trade is finished,” Simon continues. “[Y]et Canadian politicians remain too timid to initiate a buyout for fear of upsetting swing voters in eastern Canada—and because they don’t seem to care about individual sealers. That’s why I’m appealing to you as a trade leader to break the ice and prompt a buyout like those that helped asbestos miners, tobacco farmers, and workers in other collapsed industries.”

Details of the offer can be seen in Simon’s full letter.

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