Dulce María Calls On U.S. to Follow Mexico’s Lead And Ban Circuses
Carlsbad and Oceanside Firefighters Receive PETA Award for Dog Rescue
Rep. Barnes’ Proposed Dog-Chaining Ban Brings Him Bone-Shaped Chocolates From ‘Jesus People for Animals’
Groupon: Pull UniverSoul Circus Promo Over Elephant Incident, Says PETA
A New Ending for Tim Burton’s Live-Action ‘Dumbo’?
Roadside Zoo’s Bid for Captive-Bred Wildlife Permit Under Fire From PETA
97 Cruelty Charges Filed Against Pet Trade Dealers
Skating in Skivvies: Nearly Naked ‘Rabbit’ and ‘Fox’ to Take on Cruel Skins Industry
Herd of PETA ‘Bulls’ to Gather Outside Indian Embassy
Wellesley Firefighters Receive PETA Award for Dramatic Rescue of Dog
$2,000 Reward Offered for Help in Nabbing Duck Killer
Samantha Barks ‘Drowns’ in New peta2 Ad
Victory: Dangerous and Cruel Bull Run Vows Never to Return to California
Skating in Skivvies: Nearly Naked ‘Rabbit’ and ‘Fox’ to Take On Cruel Skins Industry
Statement From PETA President Ingrid Newkirk re the Passing of PETA Honorary Director Sam Simon
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
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