Emotional reunion of brave dog and police officers who saved her life
First Responders Net PETA Award for Timely Rescue of Elderly Man and Dog
First Responders Net PETA Awards for Saving Three Dogs Stuck in Storm Drain
PETA Offers Ventura County Residents Urgent Information for Safeguarding Animals During Wildfire
Coming Soon: New Restroom-Stall Ads That Read, ‘Bacon: It’s What’s Rotting in Your Colon’
‘Smoking Baby’ Billboard Gives Parents Food for Thought After New Cancer Risk Study
‘Do It for Herbie’s Brothers’: PETA Offers Vegan Starter Kits in Honor of Turkey Who Escaped
Additional $5,000 Reward Offered for Help in Nabbing Cat Shooter
Tiger Shooting at Pymatuning Deer Park Prompts PETA Complaint
Protesters to Demand the Kooples ‘Break Up’ With Fur and Angora
Dallas World Aquarium Slapped With Animal-Welfare Violations
Top 6 Tips for Fine Dining With Fido, Thanks to N.Y. Restaurant Ruling
PETA Appeals to Hunter Shot by Her Dog to Hang Up Her Gun
Provocative PETA Billboard Challenges Whole Foods’ ‘Humane Meat’ Myth
OSHA Petition Calls for Disclosure of Horses’ Medication to Jockeys at Risk
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
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