Vegan Student Wins Right Not to Pay for Meaty Meals on Religious Grounds
Thoroughbred Vet’s Use of Hormone Drug Reported to Kentucky Board of Veterinary Examiners
PETA Offers Struggling Detroit Schools $10K to Post Lifesaving Anti-Chaining Message Starring Kid Ink
Secretly Shot Video Shows Animals Frozen Alive, Gassed at Supplier to Big-Box Pet Stores
PETA Statement re: Mayor Bill de Blasio’s amended horse-drawn carriage bill
Giant Snow Globe Turns Twisted: PETA Display to Reveal Wool Horrors
Urgent! PETA Warns Dogs Will Die During Winter Storm Jonas
Mobile Zoo Sued Over Neglect of Endangered Chimpanzee
PETA Files Lawsuit in Behalf of Former Hollywood Chimpanzee
Urgent! PETA Warns Dogs Will Die in Bitter Weather
5 Most Vegan-Friendly Movie Theaters Named in Time for National Popcorn Day
Urgent! PETA Warns Hampton Roads Residents: Dogs Will Die in Freezing Weather
Giant Snow Globe Turns Twisted: PETA Display to Reveal Wool Horrors
HP Hood Calls On Suppliers to End Cow Mutilations
Additional $5,000 Reward Offered for Help Nabbing Cat Killer
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
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