GUESS Gives Up Angora Wool After PETA Campaign
Members of Congress Press NIH on Required Review of Primate Experiments
16 Million Shoppers React to Retailer Canada Goose’s Cruelty to Coyotes, Birds
Urgent! PETA Warns Residents: Dogs Will Die During Winter Storm Kayla
Montana Animal Exhibitor Slapped With Citation After Animal Escape
PETA Statement: Deadly OKC Zoo Elephant Program Must Be Shut Down
Photos: Firefighters Receive Award, Reunite With Dog Rescued From Icy Lake
Urgent! PETA Warns Residents: Dogs Will Die During Severe Winter Storm
Video of Struggling Cow Dropped Into Dumpster Prompts Call for Cruelty Investigation
As ‘Spay Day’ Approaches, PETA Offers Super Spay/Neuter Discounts
PETA Wins Partial Reforms as Wildlife Agency Revises Python-Killing Protocol
Fairfax Firefighters to Receive Award, Reunite With Dog Rescued From Icy Lake
PETA Statement: Elephant Calf’s Death Demonstrates Need to End Captive Breeding
Video: The Colts’ Griff Whalen Is One Football Fan Skipping the Game-Day Wings
Rescued Chickens—Wings Intact—to Be the Guests of Honor at PETA Super Bowl Party
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
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