‘Mr. Universe’ Shows Off His Vegan Physique in New PETA U.K. Ad
Urgent! PETA Warns Residents: Dogs Will Die During Snowstorm
Westgate Casino Urged to Ban Animal Acts After Its Big-Cat Shows Are a Big Flop
Sighting of Teens in Puppy-Beating Case Prompts Offer of School Kindness Kits
PETA Statement: The NFL Keeps Failing Animals
PETA Offers Urgent Tips on Safeguarding Animals During Severe Thunderstorms
Helicopter Rescue of Horse From Ravine Nets PETA Award for First Responders
Sexy Nurse Challenges Braves’ Meaty Menu Items on New PETA Billboard
CBS’ ‘Zoo’ Drops Abusive Tiger Exhibitor After PETA Video Exposé
Atlantic City Could Get Lucky With PETA Payout Offer—for ‘Go Vegan’ Ads
Beaconsfield Nets PETA Award for New Animal-Protection Laws
Exposed: Elephants Chained and Beaten at Ringling’s ‘Retirement’ Facility
PETA Offers Urgent Tips on Safeguarding Animals During Severe Thunderstorms
Pymatuning Deer Park Hit With Official Warning Over Animal-Welfare Violations
Bob Barker Calls on Rep. Ron Marsico to Take Action on Pennsylvania State Law Against Chaining Dogs
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
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