Twins’ Death in Hot Car Prompts PETA Proposal to Protect Children and Animals
The Last Orca Mother at SeaWorld: Will She Give Birth in a Prison or in a Sanctuary?
Gloria Steinem Signs on to International Call for Ban on Running of the Bulls Following Rapes, Sexual Assaults, and Cruelty at Festival
PETA Statement: Beluga’s Death Demonstrates Need to End Beluga-Breeding Program
Reward Of Up To $5,000 Offered For Help Solving Dog-Burning Case
University of Ottawa Law School Launches New Animal Rights Law Course
Operation Wag: Donate a Toy and Help a Chained Dog!
Renowned Primatologist Files Brief in Support of PETA’s ‘Monkey Selfie’ Appeal
PETA Statement: Canadian Mink-Coat Welfare Must Stop
Mayor Bennett Nabs Big Thanks From PETA for Rejecting Neglectful Zoo
PETA to St. Louis Police: Give Dairy Foods ‘Arrest’
‘Not a Dairy Queen’—Alan Cumming’s Vegan Blitz Hits NYC
Bikini-Clad Krysten Ritter Breaks the Tanks in PETA’s New Anti-SeaWorld Ad
PETA to Boston Police: Give Dairy Foods ‘A’-rrest
State Suspends Bear Path Acres’ Permit—Will Federal License Be Next?
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
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