General Motors Wins PETA Award for Preventing Kids and Dogs From Being Left in Hot Cars
PETA Takes Alan Cumming’s Vegan Message to Northalsted Market Days
Roadside Memorial Urged After Highway Crash Kills Countless Chickens
PETA Offers Funding to Crack Down on Sham Animal ‘Rescues’
Soccer Star Christen Press Kicks Off PETA’s ‘Adopt, Don’t Shop!’ Ad Campaign
PETA Statement: Rare Blue Lobster Belongs in Ocean, Not Imprisoned at Aquarium
Local Zika Transmission Prompts PETA Ads Warning About Florida’s Monkey Prisons
Asmussen-Trained Horse Rescued on Eve of Trainer’s Hall of Fame Induction
Reward Of Up To $5,000 Offered For Help Solving Kitten-Killing Case
PETA Statement on the Renewal of ‘Zoo’ for a Third Season
PepsiCo Calls On Dairy Suppliers to End Cow Mutilations
‘Pig,’ Cow,’ and ‘Chicken’ to Tell Chicago: ‘Enough Exposés—Stop Eating Us!’
The Smiths’ ‘Meat is Murder’ Goes 8-Bit in This Arcade-Style Animal-Saving Video Game
Roadside Memorial Requested After SECOND Deadly Crash in Months on Same Highway
Feds Cite Zootastic for Lack of Veterinary Care to Tiger Cubs
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
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