‘Tigers’ to Tell Ringling Bros. Circus in Rosemont: Let My People Go!
Celebrate PETA’s Sexy Celebrity Ads on Exhibit in Los Angeles
Video: Lily the Bear Rescued After 10 Years Inside a Tiny, Filthy Concrete Pen
Rotten Food, Feces and Urine Buildup Foul Animal Enclosures at Mobile Zoo
Vegan Meals for a Cannibal? PETA Contacts to Sheriff
PETA Statement: Re: Women Explain What Rape Feels Like For Animals In The Food Industry
Dade City’s Wild Things Asks, ‘Does This Look Like Abuse?’ PETA Answers, ‘Yes, It Does!’
Protest at Coastal Commission as SeaWorld’s Plan to Redecorate Mocks Orca Confinement
Cruel Dog-Killing Methods Exposed on ‘Paradise Island’
New York Best-Selling Author Is PETA’s ‘Sexiest Vegan Over 50’
Video: Startling Cruelty Exposed at Kosher Slaughterhouses
North Dakota Photographer Nabs PETA Award for Saving Kittens From Fire
Caged ‘Tiger’ to Protest Opening Night of UniverSoul’s Cruel Circus
INTERMIX Makes Compassionate Decision to Remove Fur From Its Coveted Collections
‘Tigers’ To Tell Ringling Bros. Circus: Let My People Go!
Kensington Tallman: Be An Angel For Animals
Kensington Tallman: Be An Angel For Animals
Reptiles By Mack 0:30
Reptiles By Mack 0:30
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