Casey Affleck–Voiced Animatronic Bear to Ask Feds to Close Cruel Roadside Zoo
Urgent! PETA Warns Pierce County Residents: Animals Will Die During Blizzard
PETA Buys Stock in Parques Reunidos in Bid to Release Lolita From Seaquarium
Court Reject UK’s Appeal over Animal-Experimentation Records
Jackson Lab: Cruelty to Mice and Culture of Indifference
PHOTOS: PETA’s ‘Lettuce Ladies’ Visit Cuba
Event Item: PETA Founder’s ‘Unstoppable’ Speaking Tour Comes to NYC on March 30
PETA Statement: No, Fireworks Are Not Enrichment for Penguins
PETA Sues Arcadia Over Cruel Plan to Snare, Slaughter Coyotes
Wounded Animals Spotted at Circus—but County Official Blocks Full Inspection
Cross Creek Arena Threatens Circus Opponents
Urgent! PETA Warns Washington County Residents: Animals Will Die, So Take Them Along In Potential Flood Evacuations
Gaby Moreno Stars in New PETA Latino Ad: ‘Vegan—Let It Grow On You’
Bear Show Under Fire After Video Reveals Ailing Animals
Keep Aquatic Birds Off the Ice Rink!’ PETA Tells Pittsburgh Penguins
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
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