Video Exposé: Donkeys Beaten, Throats Slit for Chinese ‘Medicine’ Myth
Maggie Q Stars in Edgy PETA Ad Exposing Horrors of Fur Industry
Pymatuning Deer Park Cited After Lion’s Muscle Wasting Worsens
Evanna Lynch’s Vegan Magic Holiday Gift Basket: Now Available From the PETA Catalog
Billboard Will Be Tribute to Cows Killed in Truck Crash
PETA Statement: Elephant Truck Fire Is a Reminder to Stay Away From Roadside Zoos
Eli Lilly to Face Shareholder Resolution Over Lab’s Treatment of Dogs and Cats
Hey, Shoppers: ‘Animals Are Not Products,’ Proclaims PETA Ad Blitz
Elephant’s Owner Hit With Animal-Welfare Citation in Nosey Case
School’s Turkey ‘Pardon’ Prompts Appeal: Show Students the Slaughterhouse
Hey, Shoppers: ‘Animals Are Not Products,’ Proclaims PETA Ad Blitz
Hey, Shoppers: ‘Animals Are Not Products,’ Proclaims PETA Ad Blitz
Dead ‘Geese’ and ‘Coyote’ to Protest Canada Goose
Video: Anti-Flag Will Help You Veganize Your Thanksgiving Table
Burlington Coat Factory Goes Fur-Free After PETA Appeal
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
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