‘NIH Doesn’t Give a Rat’s A**!’ PETA Urges Trump to End Wasteful Animal Tests in Mar-a-Lago Appeal
Victory! National Watermelon Board Stops Bankrolling Animal Tests After Push From PETA
Harvard Med School Faculty Experiment on Alpha Genesis Monkeys; PETA Says Reconsider Ties
PETA Delivers Coal for Christmas to Ethiopian Airlines Over Monkey Transport
VIDEO: PETA’s Supporters Intercepted by Police After Dumping Coal on Shriners CEO’s Doorstep Over Circus Cruelty
PETA to Disrupt Taco Bell Chicken Nugget Launch With Giveaway of 1,000 Tasty Vegan Nuggets
Victory! Von Maur Bans Fur After Push From PETA
Poisoning of Goat Prompts PETA’s Offer of $5,000 for Local School District to Switch to Plants-Only Ag Program
Pig Repeatedly Electrocuted at Local Slaughterhouse; PETA Seeks Criminal Probe
From ‘Pedigree’ to ‘Paws Agree’: Will Dog Food Company Eat Up PETA’s Mutt-Friendly Name Change Request?
Cows Confined Indoors 24/7 for ‘Clean’ Energy: PETA Demands End to Deceptive ‘Humane’ Claims
‘Ho, Ho, Horrible!’ Cherokee Bear Zoo Gets Lump of Coal From PETA for Keeping Bears in Barren Pits
Photo Op: ‘Are You Wearing My Mom?’ Amazing Little Calf Robot to Confront Delray Beach Leather-Clad Shoppers
Young Moviegoers to See Vegan Plea from James Cromwell Ahead of Mufasa: The Lion King
Clinton Fire Department Nabs PETA Award for Rescuing Dog From Frozen River
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
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