PETA Alert: Upcoming Arab Shrine Circus Will Feature Abused Elderly Elephants
Kingston’s Vegan The Gardener Cheese Co. Adopts New Pro-Animal Pledge Earning PETA Praise
VIDEO: Get the F-Out! Animal Defenders Met with Profanity at UMass Event in Florida
‘Hell on Wheels’ Pig Truck to Blast Dying Animals’ Cries Outside Cambridge Eateries
‘Hell on Wheels’ Chicken Truck to Blast Dying Birds’ Cries Outside Chambersburg Eateries
‘Are You Wearing My Mom?’ Amazing AI-Powered Calf Robot to Confront Leather-Clad Fashion Week Attendees
Ashland Cat Shooting Prompts New PETA Video: ‘Cats Don’t Go Missing by Themselves!’ 
Feds Confirm PETA Exposé of Mass Suffering, Death at Lone Star Organic Dairy
International Body Punts Decision on Cambodia Monkey Trade: PETA Statement
PETA to Post Malone: Help Stop Gruesome Oreo Maker’s Experiments on Animals
North Fort Myers Cat Shooting Prompts New PETA Video: ‘Cats Don’t Go Missing by Themselves!’
Give Leather the Boot! PETA Pitches Anti-Leather Display for Hat ‘n’ Boots Sculptures at Oxbow Park
Hell on Wheels’ Pig Truck to Blast Dying Animals’ Cries Outside Local Eateries
Taylor’s BBQ: Hell on Wheels’ Pig Truck to Blast Dying Animals’ Cries Outside Salisbury Eateries
Dogs Frozen to Death in Indianapolis Prompt PETA Video Starring Tom Hardy, Casey Affleck, Priyanka Chopra
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
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