PETA Calls Out ASPCA, Humane Society of the U.S. for Endorsing Factory Farms, Bogus ‘Humane’ Meat Program
Monkey Defenders Highlight Merciless UW Primate Experimenter at Simian Collective Conference
Photo Op: ‘Hell on Wheels’ Is Coming—Chicken Truck to Blast Dying Birds’ Cries Outside Denver Food & Wine Festival
Lifesavers! Omaha Police Get PETA’s Window-Smashing Hammers for Rescues From Hot Cars
Chilling Virtual Reality Experience From peta2 Promises Close Encounters at East Tennessee State University
Ticking Time Bomb! PETA Implores Feds to Confiscate Exploited Raymondville Chimpanzee From Local Vlogger
Landry Lunacy! PETA Slams Governor’s Bid to Have LSU Haul Live Tiger to Football Games
Former Foster Child, Age 7, Wins PETA Kids Award for Caring for Dozens of Kittens
 ‘Hell on Wheels’ is Coming—Pig Truck to Blast Dying Animals’ Cries Outside Big Muddy Brew ‘n Que
Chilling Virtual Reality Experience From peta2 Promises Close Encounters at UNC-Charlotte
Video: Family Shocked to See Where Rescued Pit Bull Spent Her Early Years
Roman Catholic Rocker Morrissey Calls On Pope to End Church’s Blessing of Bullfights
Boot Country to Face Eerie ‘Skinned Alive’ Anti-Leather Display From PETA
Mass Cat Poisoning in Blaine Prompts New PETA Video: ‘Cats Don’t Go Missing by Themselves!’ 
New HBO Series Featuring Pendleton Chimpanzee Sparks Push to Ban Primates as ‘Pets’
Don’t Trust the Label (HSUS & ASPCA) Pig 
Cold ‘Backyard Dogs’
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