Trowels, Not Traps: PETA Proposes New Jobs for People in the Lobster Industry
Vegan Quarterback Justin Fields Wins PETA Athlete Award
Kirshner Leopard Handling Continues After Attack: PETA Calls for Crackdown
PETA ‘Animals’ to Start Ruckus Outside Anthropologie
PETA Statement re the Death of Medina Spirit
Melbourne Police Officer Accused of Abusing K-9—PETA Urges Immediate Reassignment
Rev. Robert Turner and PETA Team Up to Launch Food Justice Grocery Giveaway in Baltimore
PETA ‘Animals’ to Start Ruckus Outside Urban Outfitters
Will ‘Tiger King 2’ Expose Predator ‘Doc’ Antle? PETA Statement
Video: Chained Dog Abandoned After Owner’s COVID-19 Death Is Unrecognizable After Rescue
State Cracks Down on Petting Zoo After ‘Influencer’ Party Stunt
PETA Celebrates Fur-Free ‘Elle’—Will ‘Vogue’ Be Next?
Giant ‘Mouse’ at Awards Gala to Shame Eli Lilly CEO Over Near-Drowning Animal Test
Students Will Hoof It to Sparkle to Combat Horse-Drawn Cruelty
‘Dinosaurs’ to Tail POTUS to NIH in Push for Progressive Agency Director
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
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