Birds Thrown, Left to Die on Trucks at Local Slaughterhouses; PETA Seeks Criminal Probes
Code Blue—Urgent Cold-Weather Alert Hits 52 Stores: ‘Take Your Dog Inside’
PETA Pitches Groundhog Day Prediction Proxy Using … Persimmons!
Massive PETA ‘Spider’ to Expose JHU’s Web of Lies About Owl Experiments
Woman Exposed to Monkey Saliva at Crash Site Now on Antivirals, USDA Investigating: PETA Statement
PETA to Alert Shareholders to Hormel’s Slaughter Violations
Escaped Monkeys Not Quarantined After U.S. Arrival Yesterday: PETA Statement
Birds Left to Die on Truck at Slaughterhouse; PETA Seeks Criminal Probe
PETA Pushes for Bird-Slaughter Probe at RH
Birds Left to Die of Heat Stress at Kraft; PETA Seeks Criminal Probe
Breaking: Dog Breeder Charged With Cruelty After PETA Investigation
Four Monkeys Escaped—With Viruses? PETA Statement
Teen Under Investigation for Dog-Abuse Case Prompts PETA to Rush Kindness Curriculum Kits to Schools
Jessica Alba’s Puppy Purchases Slammed in PETA Street Art Blitz: You Buy, Pups in Shelters Die
Reward Now Up to $10,000 in Dog-Beating Case
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
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