PETA to ‘Grill’ McDonald’s Over McPlant Rollout
Provocative Exhibit to Expose Violent History of Animal Experiments, Including at Duke University
James Cromwell to Slam Whole Foods Over Sham Humane Marketing Scheme
Steer Shot in the Head Seven Times; PETA Seeks Criminal Probe
U.S. Judge Bars Envigo From Breeding, Selling Dogs in Groundbreaking Order
PETA ‘Owls’ in Cages to Crash JHU Graduation
PETA Celebrates: DOJ Removes Suffering Dogs From Envigo
U.S. Monkeypox Case Highlights Dangers of Primate Laboratories: PETA Statement
Will Philadelphia Tax Meat to Help Save Animals and the Planet?
Sir Paul McCartney’s Vegan Plea to Starbucks Hits Winston-Salem
Urgent: PETA Warns That Dogs May Die in North Carolina Heat Wave—Vital Tips Here
Urgent: PETA Warns That Dogs May Die in Virginia Heat Wave—Vital Tips Here
IRS, State Probes of ‘Doc’ Antle’s Shady Charity Sought
Vegan Doughnut Delivery! Deputies’ Dog Rescue Prompts Treat From PETA
700 Animals at UMN Denied Pain Relief, Others Subjected to Rogue Surgeries, Steamed to Death
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
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