‘Crying Elephants’ to Descend on Moolah Shrine in Rally for Animal-Free Circuses
Up to $5,000 Reward Offered in Watsonville Dog-Poisoning Case
Sky-High Elephant Trumpets to Shriners: Let Our People Go!
Animals Bite Back! Urban Outfitters to Face Ruckus Over Sale of Animal-Derived Materials
PETA Statement on Shameful ‘Best in Show’ Choice: French Bulldog’s Deformities Nothing to Celebrate
The Mirage to Retire Tigers Following PETA’s Pleas
Giant Animals Occupy Shopping District to Plead for Their Lives
‘Hell on Wheels’ Is Coming: Squawking Chicken Truck to Ruffle Feathers in Savannah
PETA Names Likely U.S.-Based Unindicted Coconspirators in DOJ Monkey-Smuggling Case, Demands Release of Monkeys to Sanctuaries
Unlicensed Felon Is Running Wild-Animal Exhibit: Take Action, PETA Tells Feds, State Officials
Will Cardinal Tobin Accept PETA’s Vegan Advent Candle Offer?
Sen. Jabari Brisport to Lead ‘ThanksVegan’ Giveaway With PETA’s Communities Team
(Video) Gap, H&M, GUESS Exposed: Ducks Mutilated and Slaughtered for Down
Will Cardinal Cupich Accept PETA’s Vegan Advent Candle Offer?
Shoddy Practices at Harvard Monkey Lab Increase Disease Risk; PETA Files OSHA Complaint
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
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