PETA to Megyn Kelly: Wash Your Mouth Out! Host Is Sent Bar of Soap Following Derogatory ‘Pig’ Comment
Tofurky Earns PETA’s Praise for Early Adoption of New Pro-Animal Pledge
PETA’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ Vegan Makeover Can Help Families Avoid Feuds Over Thanksgiving Feasts
Dr. Praeger’s Sensible Foods Earns PETA’s Praise for Early Adoption of New Pro-Animal Pledge
Nude Human ‘Turkey’ to Make Eye-Popping ThanksVegan Plea in Tucson
Alarming Pattern of Turkeys Dying in Droves En Route to and at Local Slaughterhouse Leads PETA to Seek Criminal Probe
From ‘Tempe’ to ‘Tempeh’: Will Mayor Woods ‘Gobble’ Up PETA’s Thanksgiving Name Change Request?
Animals Force-Fed Feces to Sell Cookies and Crackers: New PETA Campaign Slams Oreo Maker’s Tests
Going Once! PETA’s End of Year Auction Features Coffee With Ron Perlman, Trip to Greece, and More
PETA Allies Disrupt Start of ‘Every Woman’s Marathon’ to Decry Anti-Female Dairy Spectacle
LSU Update: PETA Pushes Back—Yes, Tiger Stunt Was Unlawful
Wash Your Mouth Out, Whoopi! PETA Sends Soap to ‘The View’ Host for Demeaning ‘Pigs’ Comment
Escaped Monkeys Not Suitable for Experiments: PETA Statement
Photos: Dead Monkey Discovered in Dangerous Shipment to U.S. Labs, PETA Urges Investigation
Milk Marathon to Be Met With Protest in Defense of ALL Females
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
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