Ninth Circuit Victory: Court Holds Once Again that University of Washington Animal Oversight Committee Members Have No Right to Hide Names; PETA Statement
PetSmart HQ to Face PETA Uproar After Suffering and Death Is Exposed at Reptile Supplier
Alicia Silverstone Urges Little Rock Moviegoers to Say ‘No’ to Animal Dissection Ahead of Y2K Screenings
Alicia Silverstone Urges Oklahoma City Moviegoers to Say ‘No’ to Animal Dissection Ahead of Y2K Screenings
PETA Relay Run to Bring Symbolic Bolt Cutters from L.A. to SeaWorld’s Turf in Push for Orca’s Freedom
Alicia Silverstone Urges Topeka Moviegoers to Say ‘No’ to Animal Dissection Ahead of Y2K Screenings
‘Frosty,’ ‘Rudolph,’ and Now ‘Toby the Turkey’: Lafayette TV Stations to Air Vegan Appeal During Kids’ Holiday Specials
‘Frosty,’ ‘Rudolph,’ and Now ‘Toby the Turkey’: St. Joseph TV Stations Air Vegan Appeal During Kids’ Holiday Specials
PETA to Kick-Off 150-Mile Run to Demand Orca’s Release from SeaWorld
Video: Rescued Senior Dog Celebrates Retirement at the Beach After Years in Chains
Urgent Message From PETA: Alberta Clipper Survival Tips for Animals
Feds Find Neglected Dogs Confined in Filth at Warren County Puppy Mill; PETA Seeks Criminal Probe
Dog Denied Veterinary Care for Seven Months at Iowa County Puppy Mill; PETA Seeks Criminal Probe
‘Frosty,’ ‘Rudolph,’ and Now ‘Toby the Turkey’: Jefferson City TV Stations Air Vegan Appeal During Kids’ Holiday Specials
‘Hell on Wheels’ Turkey Truck to Confront Shoppers Outside Uncle Giuseppe’s Marketplace
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
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