‘Hell on Wheels’ Chicken Truck Is Missing—Up to $5,000 Reward Offered to Find the PETA Vehicle
Up to $15,000 Reward Offered for Safe Return of French Bulldogs Stolen at Gunpoint
Breaking: Protesters Confront New Shrine Potentate Over Circus Cruelty
PETA Wants Cruelty-to-Animals Charges for Accused Oak Fire Arsonist
Planned Local Appearance of Mutilated Clydesdales Sparks Objection From PETA
Cows’ Deaths in Truck Crash Prompt PETA Highway Memorial
PETA Files NIH Complaint Against University of Maryland After Animals Starve to Death
Photos: Nyack Native Among Nude Activists in Spain Protesting Running of the Bulls
CA Fur Ban: PetSmart Cat Toys Pulled After PETA Complaint—But Store Still Sells Them Nationwide
Churchill Downs Extends Baffert Suspension: PETA Statement
Mirage Moved Tigers to Reputable Sanctuaries Following Push From PETA
Giant ‘Camels’ at Egyptian Consulate to Launch U.S. Protests Over Animal Rides
It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane! It’s Time to Go Vegan! PETA Takes to the Skies for July 4
Video: A Ukrainian Army Medic’s Plea
Statement: PETA Calls for Ban on Owning Animals in Case of Buffalo Students’ Arrest Over Dog-Beating Video  
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
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