Harvard Bankrolls Closed, Disgraced Monkey-Abusing Lab in Colombia Exposed by PETA
Urgent From PETA: Cruel—and Criminal—to Abandon Animals During Tropical Storm Hilary
In Wake of Lolita’s Death, Dolphin Defenders Descend on SeaWorld to Demand Corky’s Freedom
PETA Statement re Death of the Orca Lolita
PETA Challenges NFL: Dropkick Budweiser’s Horse Abuse
Report: Heat-Related Deaths of Dogs and Cats Double From Last Year; PETA Declares Crisis
Pig-to-Human Transplants Are Cruel and Dangerous: PETA Statement
A Bloody Dog in a ‘Tourism Video’? PETA Gives Travelers a REAL Look at the Sledding Industry
Suspend Racing at Saratoga After 11 Deaths, PETA Says
Monkeys Shipped to Nine States With Inadequate Tests for Tuberculosis
Monkey Allies to Rally Against Angels’ Animal Exploitation
PETA Statement re Billy Busch’s Bid to Buy Back Budweiser
Shrinking Outer Banks to Draw Airborne Appeal From PETA: Go Vegan!
Pig Shot Six Times at Local Slaughterhouse; PETA Seeks Criminal Probe
‘Sharon Shrine, It’s Time to Let HUMANS Shine!’ Says PETA in Push to End Circus’s Animal Acts in Carthage
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
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