Ringling Bros. Circus Brings History of Beating Elephants to Bangor
‘Twilight’ Star Kellan Lutz Rushes to the Rescue of Lobsters
PETA Offers Wisconsin Residents Information For Safeguarding Animals As Part of Winter Awareness Week
PETA to Bring Factory Farm to University of California–Irvine
Actor, Carson City Native Fights for Homeless Animals in New PETA Asia Ads
PETA ‘Orcas’ to Protest Rose Parade HQ Over SeaWorld Float Fraud
Ex–UniverSoul Circus Employee Blows the Whistle on Abuse of Big Cats, Elephants
PETA Rushes Anti-Violence Ads to Grand Prairie Schools Following Cat Killing
Jacksonville Jaguars’ Maurice Jones-Drew Joins PETA’s Star Lineup
PETA to Bring Factory Farm to Arizona State University
PETA India to DFW Indian Cultural Society: Nix the Elephant Rides
Nearly Naked PETA Member to Washington: Try to Relate to Who’s on Your Plate
Chimpanzee Abuser Warned After PETA Files Complaint
Feds Charge Notorious Exhibitor With More Animal Welfare Act Violations
PETA Kicked Off HCC’s Campus, Sends Appeal to College President
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
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