PETA Asks Hunter Who Shot Wildlife Photographer to Lay Down His Arms
PETA to Orlando Teachers: Tell SeaWorld, ‘No, Thanks’
Northern Illinois Professor, Students Help Block Cruel Circus Performance
Davie Firefighters Receive PETA Award for Rescuing Puppy Trapped in Drain Pipe
After PETA Appeal, F.H. Furr Pulls Chimpanzee Ad and Pledges ‘Never Again’
PETA Calls On U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to Investigate ‘Call of the Wildman’
PETA Offers Eau Claire County Residents Urgent Information for Safeguarding Animals During Winter Weather
PETA Offers Hennepin County Residents Urgent Information for Safeguarding Animals During Winter Weather
PETA’s New ‘Hold the Cheese’ Billboard Aims to Get Mississippi off the Sick List
PETA to Bring Factory Farm to University of North Texas
Mary Matalin Appeals to Idaho Republicans to Drop Anti-Filming Bill
Ty Lawson Signs With PETA’s Anti-Fur Team
PETA Asks Sen. Monning to Put Warning Labels On Meat, Not Just Soda
Taraji P. Henson Watches Over Detroit’s Dogs and Cats During Freezing Weather
Taraji P. Henson Watches Over Chicago’s Dogs and Cats During Freezing Weather
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
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