Wichita Police Receive PETA Award for Rescuing Dog Trapped on Highway Ledge
PETA Offers Reward of up to $5,000 for Help in Nabbing Dog Killer
New Video Shows Wool Industry Workers Killing, Punching, Stomping on Sheep
Dozens of Kids to Lead Protest Against Ringling Bros.’ Cruelty to Animals
Keeping Cattle Atop a Trailer Should Result in Prosecution, Says PETA
Leading Food-Service Provider Drops Linda Bean’s Maine Lobster Over Cruelty Issues
Bellingham Student Crowned peta2’s 2014 ‘Cutest Vegan Alive’
PETA Demands Jail Time, Ban on Owning Animals if Alleged Dog Killer Is Convicted
Miami Teen Wins peta2’s 2014 ‘Cutest Vegan Alive’ Contest
PETA’s ‘Lettuce Lady’ to Dish Up Veggie Dogs on Capitol Hill
Repeat Offender: Farm at Walnut Creek Racks Up More Animal Welfare Violations
Make Fishing Ban on Manhattan Beach Pier Permanent, Says PETA
PETA Offers Reward of up to $3,000 to Find Stolen Tortoise and Convict Thieves
Ringling’s Abuse of Animals Sparks PETA Protest in San Antonio
PETA statement re death of beluga whale at SeaWorld
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Joe Duplantier: Join The Vegan Revolution
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
Disease In Seattle Labs 0:15
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