Nikki Glaser to Push SeaWorld Execs to End Forced Breeding Program

For Immediate Release:
June 12, 2024

Moira Colley 202-483-7382

Orlando, Fla.

Fresh off her turn as the surprise star of Netflix’s The Roast of Tom Brady, tomorrow comedian Nikki Glaser will step away from the stage to attend SeaWorld’s virtual annual meeting on behalf of PETA. Glaser—who took a jab at SeaWorld in her new comedy special Someday You’ll Die—will ask the following question about the abusement park’s cruel practices of forcibly breeding dolphins and whales and imprisoning them for life. The uncensored version of her question is available here.

My name is Nikki Glaser, and I have a question on behalf of PETA.

I’m sure you’ve noticed the uptick in comedians making jokes referencing SeaWorld in the past ten years. I actually just referenced you guys last month in my latest special. You should watch it. I’m sure you won’t laugh, but boy did the audience that night. And the reason they did was because what I said is true. Everyone knows what you’re up to over there. We know that you force dolphins and whales to live and die in your tiny tragic tanks when they’re meant for something as expansive and brilliant as the ocean. 

I don’t think all of you are bad people. I bet deep down you know that what you do is wrong. You have the chance to do the right thing by the animals you claim to love so much. Please, for the love of god, stop imprisoning and forcibly impregnating dolphins and whales and sentencing them to a miserable fate? I’d love to leave your company out of my jokes and work on calling out circuses next.

dying 'dolphins' at protest

Forcible impregnation isn’t the only misery that these sensitive marine mammals endure at SeaWorld. In nature, intelligent dolphins swim up to 60 miles a day, explore their vast ocean home, and maintain close relationships within their dynamic social structures. But at SeaWorld locations, more than 100 dolphins are confined to just seven small tanks, where they endure years of intensive confinement. More than 40 orcas and over 500 other dolphins and whales have died in SeaWorld’s concrete tanks, many of them prematurely, and those who remain can do little but swim in circles and lash out at each other in frustration.

Glaser is part of a long list of celebrities—including Lala Kent, Joan Jett, P!nk, Noah Cyrus, Bella Thorne, and Steve Aoki—who have teamed up with PETA to speak out against marine parks.

PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to use for entertainment”—points out that Every Animal Is Someone and offers free Empathy Kits for people who need a lesson in kindness. For more information, please visit or follow the group on X, Facebook, or Instagram.

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