Naked PETA President to Take On Pork Festival With Eye-Popping Anti-Bacon Ad

Mobile Billboard Will Circle Meatpacking District, Call On People to Choose Animal-Free Fare

For Immediate Release:
April 20, 2017

Megan Wiltsie 202-483-7382

ChicagoNaked and strung up between the bodies of slaughtered pigs, 67-year-old PETA President Ingrid Newkirk will appear on a mobile billboard this Sunday to denounce the obscene and offensive Cochon555 pig-butchering competition with the message “We’re All the Same. Go Vegan.” In addition to being trucked around the meatpacking district during the event, the image will also appear on a stationary billboard in the heart of the district.

When:    Sunday, April 23, 4–7:30 p.m.

Where:    N. Morgan Street, between W. Hubbard and Kinzie streets, Chicago

“If most people stood inside a slaughterhouse, as I’ve done, and watched pigs lose their lives, they’d lose their appetite for these wonderful animals’ flesh,” Newkirk says. “PETA is urging people to reject events that depict violence and death to other living beings, whose flesh not only looks like ours but also tastes like ours, as casual entertainment and to choose vegan foods instead.”

PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to eat”—notes that in the industrialized meat industry, mother pigs are squeezed into narrow metal stalls barely larger than their bodies and kept almost constantly pregnant or nursing. Pigs’ tails are chopped off, their teeth are cut with pliers, and males are castrated—all without any painkillers. At slaughterhouses, they’re hung upside down and bled to death, often while still conscious.

For more information, please visit

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