Media Statement: Pontiff’s ‘Breaking Point’ Could Be Positive Tipping Point for Humanity and All of Creation

Attributed to Director Sarah Withrow King of Jesus People for Animals

Jesus People for Animals shares Pope Francis’ conviction that humans are not God and that we must abandon the dangerous and pervasive idea that being made in God’s image justifies using other creatures to satisfy our appetites and whims. “Everything is related,” and that means that the choices we make each day—whether to use beans or beef, almond milk or cow’s milk, vegan wings or those taken from chickens—impact not only animals, but also our communities and the world. Five years after a United Nations report concluded that a global shift toward a vegan diet is vital to save the world from hunger and the worst effects of climate change, animal-based agriculture continues to be a top cause of environmental destruction and degradation. Creation is at a “breaking point,” says the pope, and we believe this pronouncement could help bring about the tipping point if everyone—of any religion or none—adopts an Earth-friendly vegan diet.

More information about Jesus People for Animals—which shares PETA’s motto that “animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way”—is available at



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