Louisiana Supreme Court Says LSU Must Turn Over Records to PETA

For Immediate Release:
June 28, 2024

Tasgola Bruner 202-483-7382

Baton Rouge, La.

Please see the following statement from PETA Senior Vice President Kathy Guillermo regarding today’s decision by the Louisiana Supreme Court affirming that PETA can obtain wild bird stress records from Louisiana State University researcher Christine Lattin:

PETA is elated that the Louisiana Supreme Court is requiring that LSU abide by the law—and that the school must finally release video footage and documents detailing its cruel and deadly experiments on songbirds. These birds were trapped in their own homes, caged, tormented, and killed at a public university that can’t operate in secrecy, hiding atrocities masquerading as “science.”

PETA—whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to experiment on”—points out that Every Animal Is Someone and offers free Empathy Kits for people who need a lesson in kindness. For more information, please visit PETA.org or follow the group on X, Facebook, or Instagram.

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